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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Lone Pilgrim Church

Lone Pilgrim Church

NM Baptist Monitor Articles

by Daniel Parker

New Mexico Baptist Monitor articles NEW MEXICO BAPTIST MONITOR Published in the interest of the Primitive Baptist 'BECAUSE I WILL PUBLISH THE NAME OF THE LORD' Published the 10th ' 25th of each month at Lovington, New Mexico, by Lawrence Rice Vol. 2 July 10, 1961 No. 25

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ESTABLISHED IN TEXAS In this issue, we are devoting space to the History of the First Baptist Church that was established in Texas, together with the history of its organization, and its first Pastor. This Church was established in the Austin Colony, Republic of Mexico and the State of Texas, and on the 28th day January A. D. 1834 this church held its first Conference. We will look at Elder Daniel Parker who was the first pastor of the little Church, and give a short history of his life, his trip to Texas to get permission to establish a Baptist Church, his failure, then on advise of Stephen F. Austin he returned to Ill. and organized the Lone Pilgrim Church. Later moving it to Texas, its establishing, its journey to Texas and Conference meetings held on the way. The establishing of Browns Fort, on the San Pedro Creek, their first conference held on Texas soil, through the llth conference. The establishing of Parker Fort and the massacre of its people, and some of the hardships that they bore. No doubt but that God was the moving cause of this pioneer people moving out, the Church has never prospered without persecution, had there been peace in Jerusalem no doubt but that the Apostles would have remained there content, but God has allowed persecution to come that His Kingdom might be advanced, sometimes I think that maybe this is the cause of all of our troubles, heartaches, and suffering, we are too lazy to advance the Kingdom of God, and He has allowed strife and divisions to come amongst us, it seems that where there are divisions, that the Lord seems to bless both sides, so I wonder--don't you? Lawrence Rice THE CONSTITUTION OF PILGRIM CHURCH A presbytery consisting of the following, were seated together for the purpose of constituting a Church to be known as Pilgrim Church located in Crawford County, Illinois on the 26th day of July A. D. 1833, Elder Richard Newport and Richard M. Highsmith of Gladys Fork Church, Elder Thomas Young and William Griggs, Deacon of Mt. Zion Church, Elder Joseph Neal and Jessie Page, Deacon of Grand Prairie Church, Elder John Wood and Franklin Marshall, Deacon of Lamont Church. The following members presented letters as charter members: Elder Daniel Parker, Patsy Parker, John Parker, Julius Christ, Rachel Christ, Sallie Brown and Pheby Parker. It was agreed that the Church should be named Pilgrim of the Regular Predestinarian Faith and order, and adopted the articles of Faith of the Wabash District Association, and agreed that their first meeting would be held in the home of Elder Daniel Parker, on the llth day of August A. D. 1833. FIRST MINUTES OF THE CHURCH AFTER ORGANIZATION Pilgrim Church in Crawford County, Illinois at the home of Elder Daniel Parker, met according to agreement and after preaching by Elder Daniel Parker, conference was called to order. First the Church chose Daniel Parker as Moderator and Pastor, then extended an opportunity for members , and received the following by letter; Robert Davidson and wife, .Annie Davidson. Brother Davidson was chosen Clerk of the Church. Adjourned in order. Elder Daniel Parker, Mod. Robert Davidson, Clerk TRIP TO TEXAS IN VIEW OF ESTABLISHING A CHURCH Elder Daniel Parker made a trip to Texas for the purpose of obtaining permission to establish a Primitive Baptist Church in Texas from the Mexican Government, but was denied. The only Church at that time was of Catholic origin which controlled the government. After the denial by the Mexican Government, he sought advice from Stephen F. Austin, and was advised to go back to Illinois and organize a church and then move it to Texas. ORGANIZING OF A COLONY Elder Parker returned to Illinois and began to organize a colony to move to Texas. This was soon accomplished and it consisted of twenty five wagons, mostly wagons and included the following families: Parkers, Kenedus, Jourdans, Greenwoods, Layos, and Bennetts. They came to Texas through Louisiana.
THE ESTABLISHING OF BROWNS FORT Near the town of Logansport they stopped and built a fort on San Pedro Creek, in Houston County. This first Fort was known as Browns Fort. Elder Parker and his sons built their homes near the town of Elkhart in Anderson County.
CONFERENCE ON WAY TO TEXAS On the 20th day of October A. D. 1833 in Clarbourn Parish, State of Louisiana, Pilgrim Church in her travels and on Camp grounds sat in conference and attended business in order. First called for the peace of the church, answered in peace; Second, extended an opportunity for members and received by letter the following: Elder Garrison Greenwood, Richard Eaton and wife, Polly, Joseph Jordan, Nancy Faulkenberry and Rachel Eaton. There was no other business and the conference closed in order. Elder Daniel Parker, Mod. Robert Davidson, Clerk
FIRST BAPTIST CONFERENCE EVER HELD ON TEXAS SOIL On the 28th day of January A. D. 1834 in Austin Colony, the Church met and in order proceeded to business. First called for the peace of the Church, answered in peace; Second, the clerk being absent, Elder Garrison Greenwood was chosen Clerk Pro Tern. Third, extended an opportunity for members, received none. It was agreed that the next meeting be held at Elder Daniel Parker’s house. Elder Daniel Parker, Mod. Robert Davidson, Clerk
SKETCH OF ELDER DANIEL PARKER Elder Daniel Parker was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, on the 9th Day of April 1781. His Father, John Parker, moved from Va. to Georgia when Daniel was a small boy, Where he grew up, acquiring a limited education. He professed a hope in Christ and was baptized by Elder Moses Sanders into the fellowship of Nail Creek Baptist Church in Franklin County, Georgia. In the month of January 1802, he was licensed to preach by this same church. In 1803, he moved to Dickerson County, Tennessee and placed his membership with Trumbell Church where he continued to exercise his gift. He was set aside to the full work of the gospel ministry by this Church on the 20th day of May, 1806 by a presbytery to wit: Elder Garner, McCord, John Record, and John Turner. Very soon after his ordination he moved to Summer County, Tennessee, and placed his membership with Bledso Creek Church, July 25th, 1807, and began his Pastorial work. He soon began to be recognized as one of the leading Ministers of his day in the Concord Association. All things went well until a mission society was organized in this Association. He was non-committal at first on the matter but after a one-year observation, he took a stand against it, as there were some of the leading Ministers involved in it. A war begin in earnest and continued until the next Association, when they withdrew from the mission correspondence on November 22. He resigned the pastorial care of Bledso Church and moved to the State of Illinois where he placed his membership with LaMont Church, in Crawford County, Illinois. He remained in Illinois until A. D. 1833. During his stop in Illinois, he published a religious paper called the Church Advocate. He also published a pamphlet called the two great mysteries, The Mystery of Godliness and The Mystery of Iniquity. Elder Parker was a Charter member of Pilgrim Church on the 26th day of July, 1833 and was chosen its first Pastor on August the llth 1833, he served this Church until his death in 1844. He assisted in the organization of the first three regular Primitive Baptist Churches in Texas. He also assisted in the organization of the Union Association in 1844 and served as its Moderator until his death. His remains were laid to rest in Pilgrim cemetery near Elkhart, Texas .
THE ESTABLISHING OF FORT PARKER Fort Parker was built by a colony of the Parker family and their relatives, the Parkers were remarkable for their honesty and courage and strong native talent. They were all Hard Shell or Primitive Baptist and Elder Parker was widely known among the early settlers of Texas. The Colony consisted of thirty-three persons, these hard working people built a fort of log houses, the cottages adjoining the wall of the fort, and was conveniently arranged for the various families. The Fort stood on a beautiful hill near a cool clear spring of water overlooking the fertile valley of the Navasota River. The old Fort stood two and one-half miles from where the beautiful town of Groesbeck, which has now been rebuilt on the same plat of land, and stands as a living monument to the early Texas settlers
The Fort Parker Massacre
THE RETURN TO NACOGDOCHES COUNTY It became a hard struggle for the Church in the wilderness land because of the Parker Massacre. The following names members had returned: Elder Daniel Parker, and wife, Richard Eaton, Stephen Bennett, Parmeli Bennett, Polly Eaton, Elizabeth Eaton, Elder Garrison Greenwood, Thomas Davidson and wife, Louis Grigsby, and Sally Brown, all being members of Pilgrim Church and in possession of the Church book they sat in conference. First, appointed John Grigsby, clerk then called for the peace of the Church, answered in peace. Then they read the preceding minutes of the last meeting. Adjourned in order, 25th day of February 1837. Elder Daniel parker, Mod. John Grigsby, Clerk
And so concludes the history of the Pilgrim Church, the life of some of its charter members, together with some of the afflictions that they suffered. Editor

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