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Monday, October 31, 2005

Not Knowing

Not Knowing
by Moses Denman

'NOT KNOWING THE THINGS THAT SHALL BEFALL ME. '--Paul Leaving Brother Newman at Itasca, I went as quickly as possible on horseback, to see my brother at Bowie who was sick, but is now recovered. God is so good and forgiving. May we ever strive to imitate His benevolence and loving kindness. To my increased joy I was once more permitted to engage with the dear brethren at Bowie in the blessed worship of God. Providentially this was their regular meeting time. There were two services each day. Those whose lot it was to speak, and those who heard, bearing the image of Jesus, were made glad. Let us humbly thank the Lord for the privilege to meet His dear people and hear them sing, and pray, and lovingly preach a free salvation. I love to hear the scriptural truth that man--soul and body--is saved by God's unmerited grace, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord, from time to time, Jesus prepares our ministers to preach, and also works in us to hear and obey. Jesus has assumed and atoned for our sins and imputes to us His obedience, and still leads us in paths of righteousness. Let us praise and give all glory to Him. On leaving Bowie, Denman ' Sons kindly supplied me with a buggy. As some thus furnished think themselves better than others, let us beware lest by costly style we cause some to stay away from church. For many dear unfortunate ones think they are too poor to attend church, and so lose their desire for the 'sincere milk of the word.' Oh, brethren, let us take heed that we do not disobey God, feed our pride, and keep others from coming to meeting, by 'wearing gold and costly array,' etc. I Tim. ii. 9. Rather let us be more self-sacrificing, esteeming others better than ourselves, helping one another and preferring one another in love. May the Lord direct your hearts to love God and His dear people. Continue in prayer and pray for your unworthy brother in tribulation. Marysville, Tex. M.D. DENMAN.


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