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Monday, November 07, 2005

Elder James H Olipha

Elder James H. Oliphant
Taken From Montgomery's Biographical Sketches:

From C. W. Mattox writing in the “Primitive Monitor,” December 1925:
Elder J. H. Oliphant is, I feel, one of the most useful and able ministers that ever bore the name of Primitive Baptist. Indeed, few men have ever lived that have penned or published to the world the glorious doctrine of salvation by grace with more beauty and in all its fullness. One whose life has been a splendid example of true piety, sober mindedness, spotless integrity, and devoted service. Few of the Lord's servants of today; I fear, are making so clean a record as this dear departed father in Israel. O that our tongues might be as free from backbiting, evil communications, idle and meaningless conversation, that our hearts were as free of envy, malice, and hatred.
For more than half a century, his life has been almost wholly devoted to faithful and untiring service. His able writings in book form are read and loved throughout our land, for he has truly fed the flock which Christ has purchased with his own blood. While his labors on earth are done, he will long live in the memory of those with whom he has come in contact, more especially with those in the churches which he pastored and visited.
We do well remember his visits to our home in our youthful days, where his wise counsel was so much sought, and his friendly manner so highly respected and esteemed. Would that the younger ministry of today would study as incessantly to show themselves approved unto God, workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, shunning profane and vain babblings, for such things saith the apostle, increaseth unto more ungodliness. Then our many churches so richly blessed in temporal things, would undoubtedly bear more fruit unto the Lord, thus reciprocating their energy and zeal to the called servants of the Most High.

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