Gilbert Beebe, 1868
Gilbert Beebe, 1868
Ed. Note: Independent of one another, this editor, Charles Hampton, and James Willingham, each set out in the 1950’s and 60’s to determine the truth of Baptist history from original resources. In time, our paths crossed, and we each discovered that almost to the writer, all Baptists historians had falsified their histories to prove some preconceived positions. This editor can verify that what Gilbert Beebe discovered, is the same as the original manuscripts show. We reprint this article, since in forthcoming issues, much of the information we will present “flies in the face” of the “standard writers” of modern Baptist historians. At least we wish our readers to know that even the great Predestinarian Old School Baptist, Gilbert Beebe, confirms much of what we shall present.
We do not know of any reliable history of the Baptists from the apostles’ days down to the present. Of all the books that have been published on ecclesiastical history, that have come under our observation, we have seen none that traces our history from the organization of the primitive Baptist Church on the day of Pentecost to the present time, as all that we have read, after the Church a few centuries, and basing their account upon very doubtful data, become confused, leaving the track of the true Church, give us account of the nominal church, which usurped the name when the true Church was driven by persecution into the wilderness, and there hidden from sight of her enemies “for a time, and times and half a time.”—Rev. 12:14.
From the flight of the Church into the wilderness all the popular historians have lost Her track, and have given us instead, an historical account of the anti- Christian beasts, which had assumed Her name. The most we can glean from historical records, is an occasional allusion made by them to a people, answering to some extent our description: despised, persecuted and derided by all other classes of religionists. This persecuted people described by popular historians as non- conformists to the decrees of Popes, councils or monarchs, in religious things, and holding the doctrine of the Bible, practicing baptism of believers only, by immersion, and repudiating all popish perversions of that ordinance: a people that could not be exterminated by all the violence of persecution. This is about as much as can be gathered of the history of the Church of God, by any of the uninspired historians of which we have any knowledge.
When we consider, that during the Dark Ages of papal (Catholic) persecution all records and writings of nonconformists were seized, and with their authors committed to the flames, we shall not be surprised that no DIRECT AUTHENTIC HISTORY can be found.
Let us suppose at even the present time the world would write a history of the Baptist Church to transmit to the succeeding ages. Would they not all of them, like David Benedict (who knew better — Ed.) and others, represent the popular Missionary Baptists as the true Church, and as a people, opposed to everything that is “good”? Woe unto us, when the world shall speak well of us.
We have good reason to believe that God has not designed that the true Church should be manifested to the world by uninspired history. “Except a man be born again he CANNOT see it”. It comes not by observation, it cannot be traced by observation. The sun that shines in the natural heavens was never seen by any other than its own light. No light of history or of nature can reveal the Church of the living God. The Lord God Himself, and the Lamb are the light of it, and until God and the Lamb are revealed in our hearts, the kingdom of Christ is invisible to us.
The true and faithful history of the Church is given in the Scriptures of truth, by Him who has declared the end from the beginning. Prophesy records all that is necessary for the saints to know of Her history, and if we would know whence She is, revelation informs us She is from heaven, If we ask where She is, we are told She is in Christ Jesus, Her Lord. All that we arc required to know of Her is found in the inspired record which God has given. John was instructed and commanded to arise and measure the temple (or Church of God), and the altar, and them that worship therein, and for that purpose was given him a reed like unto a rod. — Rev.11 :1. If we would know all the proportions of the Church of Christ, the Scriptures are the rule by which we are to ascertain what are her peculiar characteristics, for her height, depth, length and breadth are equal. And all that comes not with the measurement of SCRIPTURAL RULE, is given to the heathen, and is not to be measured by any Scripture rule nor recognized as belonging to the temple, altar or people of our God.
As to the Church in the United States, the first Regular, or Old School or Primitive Baptist in America, that we have any knowledge of, was constituted and organized in Wales, and embarked in a ship, the James and Mary in June 1701 and landed in Philadelphia in September the same year. A sailing vessel with pastor, deacons and members (16) all told, and were received by some Baptists who had preceded them, in old Pennepek meeting house, builded in 1688.
(Ed. Note: Beebe refused to recognize the earlier English Baptists, due to their origins in the Protestant Seceder movement. Here, he traces the Predestinarian Old School party from Welsh Tract Church, which in reality was the strong backbone of the doctrinal foundations of the Old Baptists. The Welsh churches in America, even as affiliated churches with tile Philadelphia, continued their own separate affiliations with each other and their parent bodies in Wales. This may explain Beebe’s comments here. He was well aware of the earlier churches, which churches led the Baptists into many modern innovations.)
Later in 1703 a colony settled at Welsh Tract, Newark, Delaware.
Roger Williams came to Massachussetts a member of the Puritan church and state establishment. He became dissatisfied with and protested against the puritanic persecutions, was expelled and banished by them: went to England and obtained a charter for the Providence Plantations which now comprise the State of Rhode Island, effected a treaty with the Indians, and proclaimed full liberty of conscience to all who wished to settle there, to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. Subsequently he professed to be a Baptist, but there is much disputation as to the manner and validity of his baptism. On the grounds of difference which led to the separation of the apostolic order, we know of no record extent that will give a more full account than that contained in New School Baptists from the old first book of Editorials, recently published by B.L. Beebe which contain the statements of both parties from, and embracing the separation for ten years thereafter.
We have no disposition to dispute with the New School as to whether they left us, or we left them. It is fully conceded that we are separated, and hold no fellowship for each other. Of our respective claims to antiquity, or to be of the apostolic order of Baptists, nothing can be settled by the discussion of the time and manner of the division. The principle grounds of differences on which we separated were, first that they embraced the doctrine of Andrew Fuller, and we protested against it as heresy. Secondly, they embraced the popular religious institutions such as Theological schools, Sunday schools, Missionary, Bible and Tract Societies, and other modern inventions for the professed object of converting the heathen, and evangelizing the world and ushering in the millennium. We refused to recognize or fellowship any of these new institutions. And after long forbearance and expostulations with them, we in the year 1832 declared a withdrawal of fellowship with them. Thus the division took place and we have from that time been separated from each other.
Now every honest inquirer who desires to know who, if any of us are entitled to be distinguished as apostolic Baptists, should use the “reed” which is like a rod, or in other words, “search the Scriptures” and if it can be found that the old apostles taught Fullerism, and founded Theological seminaries, or instituted Sabbath Schools, and Infant or Bible classes, or Missionary societies or any other religious societies except the Church of God, then it will be clear that the New School Baptist are apostolic Baptists, and we Old School Baptists are schismatics. But if it be found that we hold, contend for and practice all the apostolic Church held, taught and practiced, and protest against every innovation on, or departure from, the primitive faith and practice according to the New Testament, it must follow that we are right, and all who differ from us are wrong. “To the law and the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isa. 8:20.
Comments: Suppose one did come to the knowledge of the excellency of grace and studied the New Testament, took that rod, and measured us and our churches thereby. Is there any cause that we be found ashamed? As Old Baptists continue to develop new doctrines and new practices, and walk unbecoming the gospel order, should we not give consideration to the RULE OF THE GOSPEL, literally. Brethren, we cannot determine any course apostates follow, but surely we must search the Scriptures daily to see if we are truly established in the faith once delivered the saints. (II Cor. 4:2)
The Predestinarian
Vol. 1, No. 3
1 comment:
G'day Ken,
On the top of your blog, you write "This site is for those that believe in the sovereignty of God."
Well, I DO believe that God, "works ALL things according to the counsel of his own will." (Eph 1:11), and has "done whatsover he pleased".
I also know all things work for the good of believers (Rom 8:28). Now, I do believe that Christ was raised from the dead, Romans 10, as a declaration that Christ did EVERYTHING necessary for the Elect to be saved (Acts 13:33).
And since I believe, I have FULL assurance of salvation that I am perfectly justified "from all things" that the Law could not justify me by, and know that Christ is perfected the Law for my righteousness (Romans 10).
Ken, do you have full assurance of salvation, too?
Andrew C. Bain
Sydney, Australia
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